
On Mon, Jun 21, 2021 at 3:27 PM Oliver Kohll <oli...@agilechilli.com> wrote:
> My attempt to do that is the regex
> select regexp_replace(
> 'here is [[my text]] to replace and [[some more]]',
> E'\\[\\[(.*?)\\]\\]',
> replace(E'\\1', ' ', '_'),
> 'g'
> );
> which results in
> 'here is my text to replace and some more'

> It half works, i.e. it removes the brackets but doesn't seem to process the 
> inner replace. It's as if the select were just
> select regexp_replace(
> 'here is [[my text]] to replace and [[some more]]',
> E'\\[\\[(.*?)\\]\\]',
> E'\\1',
> 'g'
> );

> I've a feeling I'm missing something fundamental, any idea what?

You are assuming replace will magically work in a way it does not. The
inner replace is evaluated first:

> select replace(E'\\1', ' ', '_');

and it's result is passed as 3rd argument to the outer replace, so
both select are equivalent.

What you want to do can be done in some languages passing a closure,
or a function, to their replace function, or with special forms ( like
the e modifier in perl s/// ), but I'm not sure it can be done.

On languages with basic regex support, like I think SQL is, you
normally have to either split the string in match/no match or do a
multiple match ( match something like (.*?)\[\[(.*?)\]\]  with two
captures ) and loop in the result aplying your second replacement (
which is what perl does behind the scenes, and other languages do )

In perl you can do it with something like:

$ perl -pe 's{\[\[(.*?)\]\]}{ $1=~s/ /_/gr}eg'
here is [[my text]] to replace and [[some more]]',
here is my_text to replace and some_more',

But note the magic e there.

In python you can use the function form:

re.sub(pattern, repl, string, count=0, flags=0)

Return the string obtained by replacing ......repl can be a string or
a function; if it is a string,....
If repl is a function, it is called for every non-overlapping
occurrence of pattern. The function takes a single match object
argument, and returns the replacement string.

An so on on other languages, but in sql

regexp_replace ( string text, pattern text, replacement text [, flags
text ] ) → text

The replacement is a plain text ( and AFAIK you cannot use functions
as values in sql ).

You could probably define your function doing that if you have any PL
installed in your DB.

Francisco Olarte.

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