On Tue, 2021-06-01 at 20:09 +0000, Laura Smith wrote:
> I'm creating a Postgres backend for an internal tool which is essentially a 
> very simple implementation of multi-lingual CMS.
> I am especially interested in feedback and suggestions in relation to the 
> following questions:
> (a) Is this going to work as expected (i.e. have I missed some obvious 
> foot-guns ?)
> (b) Is this manner of doing things reasonably efficient or are there better 
> ways I should be thinking of ?
>  (bear in mind the schema is not set in stone, so completely out of the box 
> suggestions welcome !).
> The basic design concept (oversimplified) is:  For each page, you have one or 
> more objects and those objects may have content in one or more languages.
> create table langtest(
> pageid text not null,
> objectid text not null ,
> objectlang text not null,
> objectdata text not null);
> create unique index on (pageid,objectid,objectlang);
> select distinct on(objectid)objectid,objectlang,pageid,objectdata
>  from langTest where pageid='zzz' and objectLang = any('{de,en}'::text[])
>  order by objectid,array_position('{de,en}'::text[],objectLang);
That looks ok, except you should remove "objectid" from the index.
That column makes that the index cannot be used for "objectlang" effectively.

Laurenz Albe
Cybertec | https://www.cybertec-postgresql.com

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