On 14-05-2021 17:42, Tom Lane wrote:
Condor <con...@stz-bg.com> writes:
new_time = fromtime * 1000; -- here is line 19
Are you entirely certain that you counted lines correctly?
If new_time and fromtime are both declared bigint, and
fromtime is on the order of
# select extract(epoch from now())::bigint;
(1 row)
then there's no way that that statement fails on integer overflow.
What I'm wondering about is the next line:
unix_time = (new_time + rand_int)::BIGINT;
You've not shown us the declaration of unix_time ...
regards, tom lane
I was thinking I get the function from contrib and I think you guys know
unix_time is BIGINT but I make a few more changes and now can't restore
old function to reproduce the problem.
I will try to recover the code later.