
pá 2. 4. 2021 v 11:35 odesílatel Joao Miguel Ferreira <
joao.miguel.c.ferre...@gmail.com> napsal:

> Hello all,
> Is it possible, in PL/pgSQL, to pass an argument to a function which is
> actually a "query skeleton" that the method will "fill in the blanks" and
> execute it or return it to the caller after ?
> The caller does not have access to the variables/values that will be used
> to fill the blanks, but it does know the generic query.
> I have a situation where this kind of separation would be nice to have in
> order to make the code a bit cleaner and avoid some code repetitions.

It is not problem

create or replace function exec_query(q text)
returns void as $$
declare r int;
  raise notice 'q=%', q;
  execute q using 10 into r;
  raise notice 'r=%', r;
$$ language plpgsql;

postgres=# select exec_query ('select 10 + $1');
NOTICE:  q=select 10 + $1
NOTICE:  r=20
│ exec_query │
│            │
(1 row)




> Thank you for you suggestions
> Joao

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