On 3/3/21 7:23 AM, Andrus wrote:

Sometimes duplicate key error

     duplicate key value violates unique constraint "session_pkey"
     Key (workplace)=(WIN-N9BSKUNKBC8 ) already exists.

occurs in script:

     delete from session where workplace='WIN-N9BSKUNKBC8' ;
     INSERT INTO session (workplace,ipaddress,logintime,loggeduser)
    SELECT 'WIN-N9BSKUNKBC8' , inet_client_addr()::CHAR(14),current_timestamp::CHAR(28),CURRENT_USER WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM session WHERE workplace='WIN-N9BSKUNKBC8' )

Sript is running form windows task scheduler on every 10 minutes. Error occurs only sometimes.

There is no other process inserting  to this table?

Adrian Klaver

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