
Thanks for the quick reply.  What you stated is what I was expecting.  I've
searched high and low for the documentation that proves that point --
something I need to do to satisfy our legal team.  Any thoughts on under
which rock that license language exists?

Best Regards,

On Thu, Feb 25, 2021 at 6:26 PM Tom Lane <> wrote:

> Rumpi Gravenstein <> writes:
> > I am new to PostgreSQL and am unclear on how licensing works for
> PostgreSQL
> > extensions.  Are pg_crypto and tablefunc licensed with the PostgreSQL
> > community edition or do PostgreSQL extensions fall under a separate
> > license?  I've looked for documentation on this and haven't found
> anything
> > on-point.  Is there a link that describes how each extension is licensed?
> Everything in contrib/ is considered to be under the same license as the
> rest of the distribution.  (A few of them have their own copyright text,
> but it's not substantially different in meaning from the main copyright
> notice.  This is also true of bits of the core server, actually.)
> Extensions you get from elsewhere might have different copyrights though.
>                         regards, tom lane

Rumpi Gravenstein

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