Hi, in psql, with a postgres 12.5 db on a centos 7 intel: I do create a function named randname() returning a varchar, and a table matable with a column prenom varchar(50). then postgres=# prepare moninsert(varchar) as postgres-# insert into matable(prenoms) values($1); PREPARE
I test it: postgres=# execute moninsert(randname()); INSERT 0 1 up to now, everything fine. then: do $$ begin for counter in 1..1000000 loop execute moninsert(randname());end loop;end;$$; ERREUR: la fonction moninsert(character varying) n'existe pas LIGNE 1 : SELECT moninsert(randname()) someone can explain ? thanks (its a french db, so error message in french :-) Marc MILLAS Senior Architect +33607850334 www.mokadb.com