> On Feb 9, 2021, at 10:52 AM, Thorsten Schöning <tschoen...@am-soft.de> wrote:
> So, based on which facts does Postgres decide if to use aadditional
> workers or not? Can I see those decisions explained somewhere? I don't
> see anything in the query plan. Thanks!

Hi Thorsten,
This is an interesting topic for me too. here’s a formula for the max number of 
workers that Postgres will consider for a table. Of course, most queries use 
more than just one table, and I don’t yet understand how Postgres handles the 
situation where the formula suggests multiple workers for some tables and a 
single worker for others.

There was some conversation about this on the performance mailing list in June. 
Here’s a link to the message that contains the formula; there’s more items of 
interest in the whole thread:

Hope this helps

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