On 2021-Jan-28, Ravi Krishna wrote:

> I am planning to switch to a web based tool to read this mailing list.

That's great.

> While reading is easy via web, how do I post a reply from web.

Yeah, "how" indeed.

> I recollect there use to be a website from where one can reply from web.

The community does not maintain such a service.

There used to be a Gmane archive of this list that you could use to
post.  Seems it's still online at postgresql-archive.org.  They have a
"Reply" button and it says to require your account, but given SPF and
DMARC and other restrictions on email generation, it seems pretty
uncertain that emails posted that way would work correctly.  I think we
would even reject such emails if they reached our mailing list servers.

Álvaro Herrera                            39°49'30"S 73°17'W

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