Also, could it be possible to make messages plain text? I see a lot of varying fancy fonts and I hate that. I even hate it more when people post messages not properly trimmed or messages that need formatting preserved such as select output, i.e. table data, explain plans, etc. Proportional fonts (Outlook with its darn Arial) is one of the worst...

Well, one could say that with html messages one can "force" a monospaced font like consolas or courier. Then again, there is no guarantee that the receiving end does have it installed. And on top, everyone is free to have her/his mail client to display plain text in monospaced font and is only to blame her/himself if not doing so.

And then there's people posting screen shots instead of copy/paste... :-(


I think, an automatic conversion of incoming posts to plain text and dropping all non plain text attachments would help a lot already.

I would not do that. It is the work on the wrong end with doubtful result. Wouldn't it be better to reject non-plain-text postings?

While at it, is there a rule of thumb for the length of inline code - in comparison to attaching code files in comparison to using something like I only found very coarse instructions on what to do on the lists. Have I been missing a link to a netiquette page?

Cheers Thiemo

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