On Fri, Jan 15, 2021 at 1:53 PM Christophe Pettus <x...@thebuild.com> wrote:

> This conversation doesn't really have anything to do with monitoring and
> fine-tuning PostgreSQL, at this point, does it?  It might be appropriate to
> let go the meta-discussion when each individual person thinks it is
> appropriate to answer a question.
Actually, on the whole it is admirably on-topic as to how what seems like
such a simple question from a newcomer's perspective is perceived by those
on the list to whom that question is being posed.  With a number of the
responses giving indirect answers to the question since it, as has been
established, is a common question with answers available from sources other
than volunteers writing new emails or searching themselves for old replies.

On a thread of interest to newcomers it seems like a reasonably productive
spot to describe the reality, which is what is being done here - not
providing excuses.  We aren't apologetic for these realities, while
understanding that improvement is possible (if hard to achieve - technical
and personal).

David J.

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