My presumption of views and instead of trigger behavior is that the VIEW first 
gets populated with the WHERE filter and then the "DELETE or UPDATE" operation 
will fire against each of the rendered view rows. ( ? )

If this is true then I can't explain the more then one row returned error.

[11-1] user=redcom, db=ace_db, app=psql, client=[local] ERROR:  21000: more 
than one row returned by a subquery used as an expression

[11-2] user=redcom, db=ace_db, app=psql, client=[local] LOCATION:  
ExecScanSubPlan, nodeSubplan.c:347
 [11-3] user=redcom, db=ace_db, app=psql, client=[local] STATEMENT:  delete 
from public.rule_example where rule_head=30;

I would think that if the subquery matter was in my code and I would get a  
stack trace with a better indicator then this. SO I am presuming it is in a 
failure to understand the VEIW-TRIGGER process.

my  view  is modeling a table of translation "steps" in a phone switch 
application. "steps" are the components of "rules" and rules are components of 
The VIEW columns of step, rule_seq, and a rule number are relative and derived 
from column content.

My triggers operate on rows.step_id which is a unique value across rules and 

ace_db=# select *  from public.rule_example where rule_head=30;
 folder_id | rule_head | rule_seq | rule_step | step_id | opta | optb
         1 |        30 |        1 |         1 |      30 |    0 |    0
         1 |        30 |        1 |         2 |      40 |    0 |    0
(2 rows)

However when the scope of my delete is not step scoped it fails:

ace_db=# delete from public.rule_example where rule_head=30;
ERROR:  more than one row returned by a subquery used as an expression

I was expecting each row of the rendered DELETE VIEW to be executed in 
succession. That is one step at a time. Apparently that is not happening ???

Base Table.

ace_db=# select * from public.my_translator;
 folder_id | folder_seq | entry_type | opta | optb | step_id
         1 |          1 |          0 |    0 |    0 |      10
         1 |          2 |          6 |    0 |    0 |      20
         1 |          3 |          0 |    0 |    0 |      30
         1 |          4 |          6 |    0 |    0 |      40
         1 |          5 |          0 |    0 |    0 |      50
         1 |          6 |          6 |    0 |    0 |      60
(6 rows)

View of Base Table.

ace_db=# select * from public.rule_example;
 folder_id | rule_head | rule_seq | rule_step | step_id | opta | optb
         1 |        10 |        1 |         1 |      10 |    0 |    0
         1 |        10 |        1 |         2 |      20 |    0 |    0
         1 |        30 |        2 |         1 |      30 |    0 |    0
         1 |        30 |        2 |         2 |      40 |    0 |    0
         1 |        50 |        3 |         1 |      50 |    0 |    0
         1 |        50 |        3 |         2 |      60 |    0 |    0
(6 rows)

My trigger works appropriately if the scope is a step.

ace_db=# delete from public.rule_example where step_id=20;
ace_db=# delete from public.rule_example where step_id=10;

Thanks for any insights that might make this work  when the scope of the WHERE 
is rule or folder targeted.

Dave Day


Here is  code that represent above..  .

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS public.my_translator CASCADE;

CREATE TABLE  public.my_translator (
    folder_id int not null,
    folder_seq int not null,     -- 1-n, each rule in folder has unique value.
    entry_type int default 0,    -- 0 rule start, 6 rule append
    optA int default 0,
    optB int default 0,
    step_id  int primary key

--Add sample date to my_translator table.

INSERT INTO public.my_translator
 (folder_id, folder_seq, entry_type, step_id )
VALUES   -- insert three 2 step rules into folder 1
 ( 1,1,0,10),       -- folder one, folder seq 1,  rule 1 step 1
 ( 1,2,6,20),       -- folder one, folder seq 2,  rule 1 step 2
 ( 1,3,0,30),       -- folder one, folder seq 3,  rule 2 step 1
 ( 1,4,6,40),       -- folder one, folder seq 4,  rule 2 step 2
 ( 1,5,0,50),       -- folder one, folder seq 5,  rule 3 step 1
 ( 1,6,6,60);       -- folder one, folder seq 6,  rule 3 step 2

-- A function that determines a rules order within a folder.
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.get_rule_seq( _fid int, _fseq int )
RETURNS integer
LANGUAGE plpgsql
AS $function$
DECLARE _rule_seq int := 1;
   -- given a folder and step within that folder determine what
   -- the conceptual rule sequence is for the step.
   WITH rules AS (
      SELECT folder_seq, row_number() over ( ORDER by folder_seq ASC)
            FROM public.my_translator tx
            WHERE tx.folder_id = _fid AND
                  entry_type = 0

  SELECT MAX (row_number) FROM rules
    WHERE folder_seq <= _fseq INTO _rule_seq;

  RETURN _rule_seq;

-- The view that breaks down the details of a rule.
-- Shows the folder, the rule  and individual steps of a rule.

CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW public.rule_example AS
      ( WITH rule_heads AS (
            -- Find rule heads for each rule in folder.
            SELECT public.get_rule_seq( tx.folder_id, tx.folder_seq) AS 
rule_seq, tx.step_id
               FROM public.my_translator tx
               WHERE  tx.folder_id = tum.folder_id
                 AND entry_type = 0
           -- Find the rule head for the current row. (tum.folder_seq),
           SELECT step_id FROM rule_heads rh
              WHERE rh.rule_seq = public.get_rule_seq(tum.folder_id, folder_seq)
      ) AS rule_head, -- every step of same rule has the same head.
      -- The rule sequence, 1-n,  is determined by the rules in same folder.
      public.get_rule_seq( tum.folder_id, folder_seq) AS rule_seq,
       -- Make sure steps always begin with 1 for each of its rules.
      ( SELECT ((tum.folder_seq - MAX(folder_seq)) + 1)
           FROM public.my_translator
           WHERE folder_id = tum.folder_id
            AND folder_seq <= tum.folder_seq
            AND entry_type = 0 ) AS rule_step,
   FROM public.my_translator tum
    ORDER BY tum.folder_id, tum.folder_seq asc;

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.rule_delete_and_decrement(
        _step_id  INTEGER
    AS $BODY$
    _del_count INT;
    _dec_count INT;
    _obj_seq INT;
    _next_obj_seq INT;
    _max_obj_seq INT;
    _del_ids INTEGER[];
    _dec_ids INTEGER[];
    _mbr INT;
    _tu_id INT;

    -- Get the obj_seq for the start of the rule being deleted,
    -- the start of the next rule, and the end of the list.
    SELECT folder_seq, folder_id INTO _obj_seq, _tu_id
        FROM public.my_translator
        WHERE step_id = _step_id;

    SELECT MIN(folder_seq) INTO _next_obj_seq
        FROM public.my_translator
        WHERE folder_id = _tu_id
        AND folder_seq > _obj_seq
        AND entry_type = 0;

    SELECT MAX(folder_seq)+1 INTO _max_obj_seq
        FROM public.my_translator
        WHERE folder_id = _tu_id;

    -- _next_obj_seq is the end of the list if it is null (meaning
    -- that this is deleteing the last rule in the sequence)
    IF _next_obj_seq IS NULL THEN
        _next_obj_seq = _max_obj_seq;
    END IF;

    -- Set del_count = amount of rows being deleted,
    -- Set dec_count = amount of rows that must be decremented.
    _del_count = _next_obj_seq - _obj_seq;
    _dec_count = _max_obj_seq - _next_obj_seq;

    -- Get the ids of the rows that need to be decremented
    -- in the order that they need to be decremented
    SELECT ARRAY_AGG(step_id ORDER BY folder_seq ASC ) INTO _dec_ids
        FROM public.my_translator
        WHERE folder_id = _tu_id
          AND folder_seq >= _next_obj_seq;

    -- Get the ids of the rows that need to be deleted
    SELECT ARRAY_AGG(step_id ORDER BY folder_seq ASC ) INTO _del_ids
        FROM public.my_translator
        WHERE folder_id = _tu_id
        AND folder_seq  >= _obj_seq AND folder_seq < _next_obj_seq;

    -- Delete the necessary rows
    DELETE FROM public.my_translator
        WHERE step_id = ANY(_del_ids);

    -- Decrement the necessary rows in the correct order
    IF ARRAY_LENGTH(_dec_ids,1) > 0 THEN
        FOREACH _mbr IN ARRAY _dec_ids
            UPDATE public.my_translator
                SET folder_seq = folder_seq - _del_count
                WHERE step_id = _mbr;
        END LOOP;
    END IF;



GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION public.rule_delete_and_decrement(INT)
    TO rest_user_max;

COMMENT ON FUNCTION public.rule_delete_and_decrement(INT)
    IS $TEXT$
This function will delete a rule and all of its appended steps from the database
and decrement the rows above it by the amount of rows deleted.

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.rule_delete()

    IF OLD.rule_step = 1 THEN
       -- Remove entire rule and Reassign obj_seq of succeeding rules.
       PERFORM public.rule_delete_and_decrement( OLD.step_id);
       -- Only remove the single step.
       DELETE FROM public.my_translator
           WHERE step_id = OLD.step_id;
    END IF;

    LANGUAGE plpgsql;

GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION public.rule_delete() TO rest_user_max;

CREATE TRIGGER rule_advanced_delete_trigger
    INSTEAD OF DELETE ON public.rule_example
        FOR EACH ROW
            EXECUTE PROCEDURE public.rule_delete();

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