Ran into a problem with SymmetricDS when attempting to sync two postgres 12 

The problem occurs when Symmetric builds the XML for a table that has the 
character varying datatype with an undefined length. SymmetricDS creates in the 
xml character field that is 2,147,483,647 length. Subsequently, when 
SymmetricDS attempts to create the table on the client, an error is raised that 
says the character varying field exceeds the maximum length. 

The actual maximum length supported by postgresql 12 is 10,485,760. We dug into 
the postgres code and found a limit in the config with a comment dating it to 
the pg 8.5 era. Being the simple folk that we are, we changed the setting to 
the higher value. Unfortunately, pg 12 raised some errors of its own.

This seems like a bug in SymmetricDS, which ought to set the maximum length to 
that supported by the target database.

On the other hand, one could argue that a higher limit in postgres is sensible 
these days. 

Additional Information  
1. symmetricds version 3.12.4
2. Postgresql Version 12
3. OS's Windows 10, Mac Catalina and SME Server


Mark Phillips
Mophilly Technology Inc.
Telephone: (619) 296-0114
On the web at http://www.mophilly.com

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