   I have the following in my log files:

2020-11-20 11:20:46.216 IST [38207] LOG: execute S_1/C_2: SELECT
14.929338247701526, true)),'base64') as "shape" FROM
"ami_smart_new"."aoi_boundary" WHERE ("sectioncode" IN ('4683', '4587') AND
"sectioncode" IS NOT NULL AND "shape" && ST_GeomFromText('POLYGON
((683696.123647752 989199.9990667417, 683696.123647752 1000723.135701899,
708574.8226023088 1000723.135701899, 708574.8226023088 989199.9990667417,
683696.123647752 989199.9990667417))', 32643))
2020-11-20 11:20:46.218 IST [38207] LOG: execute S_3: ROLLBACK

Does it mean that there was an error in "SELECT ..." and hence internally
postgres executed ROLLBACK??


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