On 12.11.20 17:55, Alban Hertroys wrote:
>> On 12 Nov 2020, at 14:58, Mario Emmenlauer <ma...@emmenlauer.de> wrote:
> (…)
>> But the statement is slightly complex to type, and I find me and my
>> colleagues often spend more time on this than I would hope. Our two
>> main challenges are:
>> (1) we have to look up the uniqueness constraints on the table, and
>> (2) we have to duplicate the insert statement in the UPDATE section
>>    again, because virtually all fields should get overwritten
>>    (except for the conflicting ones). On long inserts this can be
>>    quite annoying and error-prone.
>> I can see how "ON CONFLICT" is very powerful. But that power seems
>> often a burden for us. We would prefer something that is less manual
>> effort for the specific use case. Basically, we would like:
>>    INSERT if not exist, and
>>    UPDATE _all_ non-conflicting fields in case of _any_ conflict
>> In my (naiive) thinking, such a construct would cover 99% of our
>> use cases. Or did other people make very different experiences?
> (…)
>> Has anybody ever done something like this? Is there an SQL way to
>> achieve this? Or another programmatic way?
> We generate the SQL @work based on the definitions in, IIRC, the 
> information_schema. It has tables for both the column lists per table and the 
> primary key definitions.
> With that, an SQL statement that returns the required SQL statement is easy 
> to generate, after which you can execute it either from a plpgsql execute 
> statement in a function or in a do-block.

This is actually a very very interesting idea! I did not consider
that we could completely generate the statements based on the actual
table information from the information_schema. I need to give this a
bit more thought but I very much like the idea, thanks for pushing me
in a new direction!

All the best,

    Mario Emmenlauer

BioDataAnalysis GmbH, Mario Emmenlauer      Tel. Buero: +49-89-74677203
Balanstr. 43                   mailto: memmenlauer * biodataanalysis.de
D-81669 München                          http://www.biodataanalysis.de/

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