Hi Mark,

> On 12. Nov, 2020, at 16:37, Paul Förster <paul.foers...@gmail.com> wrote:
> how about searching for pg_ctl only inside a bin directory:
> $ find / -type f -name "pg_ctl" -exec grep "/bin/" {} \; 2>/dev/null 
> Binary file /data/postgres/12.4/bin/pg_ctl matches
> Binary file /data/postgres/13.0/bin/pg_ctl matches
> That should also solve your source tree and root mail problems.

btw., you can also do it without calling grep:

$ find / -type f -executable -regex "*/bin/pg_ctl" 2>/dev/null

At least on openSUSE. But I guess, it should be pretty much the same on CentOS.


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