I also clarify that I tried to install the libpq-dev package already but
could not install it because it depends on a non-installable package called
libss10.9.8. And I had to apply apt --fix-broken install to fix the problem.

de virus. www.avg.com

El jue., 8 oct. 2020 a las 22:08, Yessica Brinkmann (<
brinkmann.yess...@gmail.com>) escribió:

> Goodnight,
> I apologize please that today I was able to test the directory, since I
> had a health problem in recent days.
> Well, I actually found the files corresponding to the pg_advise_index
> interface. But I was surprised that the executable is not present, but
> apparently this interface must be compiled by another part of the index
> adviser, to be able to execute it. It has a Makefile.
> I tried to compile as follows, and I get the following errors:
> root@debian:/home/yessica/Descargas/postgresql-8.3.23/contrib/pg_adviser_master/pg_advise#
> USE_PGXS = 1 make
> You need to install postgresql-server-dev-X.Y for building a server-side
> extension or libpq-dev for building a client-side application.
> make: *** There are no targets. High.
> root@debian:/home/yessica/Descargas/postgresql-8.3.23/contrib/pg_adviser_master/pg_advise#
> make install
> make: Nothing is done for 'install'.
> I will greatly appreciate a help please, regarding these errors that I
> got. The truth is that I honestly  don't have much experience using Linux.
> Best regards,
> Yessica brinkmann
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> <#m_-2818491497838977803_DAB4FAD8-2DD7-40BB-A1B8-4E2AA1F9FDF2>
> El mar., 29 sept. 2020 a las 18:55, Yessica Brinkmann (<
> brinkmann.yess...@gmail.com>) escribió:
>> Goodnight,
>> Thank you very much for the answer.
>> I followed all the installation instructions: apply patch, compile
>> install postgres, etc.
>> I just tried everything with the UI ii) Manually (through psql session),
>> which is also mentioned in the readme, and everything works for me. But
>> to better test my thesis, I would also need to use the other user interface
>> mentioned in the readme and that is precisely i) pg_advise_index tool.
>> I understand what you are telling me about the directory. I will be
>> testing this way.
>> Many thanks.
>> Best regards,
>> Yessica brinkmann
>> El mar., 29 sept. 2020 a las 18:21, Rob Sargent (<robjsarg...@gmail.com>)
>> escribió:
>>> On 9/29/20 3:46 PM, Yessica Brinkmann wrote:
>>> > I will greatly appreciate a help with this topic please. I really need
>>> > to use that interface to be able to test my thesis. And I am not being
>>> > able to use.
>>> > Best regards,
>>> > Yessica Brinkmann
>>> I didn't see any reported error messages in your post.
>>> And you followed all the installation instructions: apply patch, compile
>>> install postgres, etc?  Not for the faint of heart, to be sure.
>>> As presented
>>> pg_advise_index -d DB -h host -U user -s 10M -o advisory.sql workload.sql
>>> would need to be run in the directory containing advisory.sql and your
>>> PATH would need to include the directory containing the
>>> 'pg_advise_index' executable.
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