Adrian Klaver <> writes: > On 10/5/20 7:55 AM, Mark wrote: >> I followed one PostgreSQL tutorial step by step. One session to use PSQL >> to execute sql files to create a new database in PostgreSQL. >> 1. copy paste the sql file within "C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\12" >> directory. >> 2. execute the following code \i C:\\Program >> Files\\PostgreSQL\\12\\demo-big-en-20170815.sql >> >> Failed >> The message shows C:: Permission denied
> The issue is the user you are running psql as does not have permissions > to read the file. This is a OS permissions thing. Either run psql as a > user that can read the file or change the permissions on the file to > those that allow the psql user to read it. ... or more likely, put the SQL file in a saner place. Dropping random files into a program directory can only lead to trouble. You should treat such directories as read-only unless you know exactly what you are doing. It seems likely to me that this failure stems from PG being installed with permissions settings that prevent it from reading/modifying its own executables, which is good solid security practice. (If the tutorial actually told you to do that, the tutorial's author is utterly clueless.) regards, tom lane