Regarding indexes, I recommend the website That guy’s 
other website about modern SQL is also great.

Regarding self-tuning, it was actually part of the original vision for 
relational databases that they would do that, but I’m not aware of any modern 
SQL database that does, although there are third-party tools that will eg offer 
index suggestions (I don’t know which is best, so I won’t propose any).
On Sep 14, 2020, 13:22 -0700,, wrote:
> 4. There is no built-in means to have PG manage (or even suggest) indexes on 
> its own. Trying to figure out what indexes to create/delete/fine-tune, and 
> determine all the extremely complex rules for this art (yes, I just called 
> index management an *art*, because it is!), is just utterly hopeless to me. 
> It never gets any easier. Not even after many years. It's the by far worst 
> part of databases to me (combined with point five). Having to use third-party 
> solutions ensures that it isn't done in practice, at least for me. I don't 
> trust, nor do I want to deal with, external software and extensions in my 
> databases. I still have nightmares from PostGIS, which I only keep around, 
> angrily, out of absolute necessity. I fundamentally don't like third-party 
> add-ons to things, but want the core product to properly support things. 
> Besides, this (adding/managing indexes) is not even some niche/obscure 
> use-case, but something which is crucial for basically any nontrivial 
> database of any kind!

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