Is there a significant difference in execution speed between similar functions that do the same DML but differ in the extra validations and messaging that are required for providing feedback to UI users?

For example, a batch load script that inserts multiple rows into a table may call an insert function within a cursor to populate each row into the target table. Meanwhile, a non-technical business user may want to create only one entity via a UI. However, the UI must have validations and helpful messages to to user so the insert works....or won't, but at least user would know what they need to do differently to get to a successful outcome.

Typically, the teams that I've worked on typically create the bare functions that will get the job done but later we have to come back and make new functions specifically for UIs. BTW....I'm a firm believer in having the database protect itself and not totally depend upon the application layer to protect data. Anyone with database access can bypass a UI and still corrupt data unintentionally (incomplete WHERE clause, for example).

Now I wonder if it would be prudent to create the UI ready functions only and use those same functions for batch loads or any other process that needs to be done in bulk. I'm not sure about the performance impact of that.

Any insights or ideas?

Thanks for your help!


Susan E Hurst
Principal Consultant
Brookhurst Data LLC
Mobile: 314-486-3261

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