Hello all,

You can find at the end of this email, a new version of the script that I
use to remove the TOAST table on pg_largobject catalog table.
I fixed some typos and wrong synthaxes that I had typed too quickly in my
first version.

Thanks to this script, I can migrate successfully the PostgreSQL instance.
Yet, the `pg_largobject` table is still considered TOASTed.

I have the following behaviour:

---Using the pg_largeobject_loid_pn_index is OK:
SELECT loid from pg_largeobject order by loid desc limit 5;
(5 rows)

--- according to pg_class, pg_largobject is not TOASTed anymore:
SELECT oid, relname, relnamespace, relfilenode, reltoastrelid, relpages,
(relpages*8/1024)::int as mb_size, reltuples::int, relkind
from pg_class
where relname like 'pg_toast_2613%'
or relname like 'pg_largeobject%' order by relname;
 oid  |              relname              | relnamespace | relfilenode |
reltoastrelid | relpages | mb_size | reltuples | relkind
 2613 | pg_largeobject                    |           11 |    47237561 |
          0 |     8791 |      68 |    727520 | r
 2683 | pg_largeobject_loid_pn_index      |           11 |    47237567 |
          0 |     1997 |      15 |    727520 | i
 2995 | pg_largeobject_metadata           |           11 |        2995 |
          0 |      230 |       1 |      5071 | r
 2996 | pg_largeobject_metadata_oid_index |           11 |        2996 |
          0 |     2320 |      18 |      5071 | i
(4 rows)

--- But the pg_largeobject table is not accessible:
SELECT * from pg_largeobject order by loid desc limit 5;
ERROR:  could not open relation with OID 16619

--- Same error when using largeobject functions:
SELECT lo_get(47232219);
ERROR:  could not open relation with OID 16619

--- No TOAST reference into pg_depend for pg_largobject
SELECT * from pg_depend where 2613 in (objsubid, refobjid);
 classid | objid | objsubid | refclassid | refobjid | refobjsubid | deptype
       0 |     0 |        0 |       1259 |     2613 |           0 | p

--- As for OID 16619
SELECT * from pg_depend where 16619 in (objsubid, refobjid);
 classid | objid | objsubid | refclassid | refobjid | refobjsubid | deptype

> Is there another catalog table where the TOAST reference can be located?

Thanks in advance for your help,
Have a nice Sunday,

Latest version of the script:

#!/usr/bin/env bash

set -euo pipefail


# Define log files
mkdir -p "${LOG_FOLDER}"

# Step 1: check if table pg_toast_2613 exists
toast_count="$(psql -U postgres --dbname=${database_name} -At --no-psqlrc
-c "select count(*) from pg_class where relname = 'pg_toast_2613';")"
echo -e "TOAST exists ::${toast_count}" | tee -a "${LOG_REMOVE}"

if [[ "${toast_count}" == "1" ]]; then
  # Step 2: Check if table pg_toast_2613 has rows and pages
  toast_pages="$(psql -U postgres --dbname=${database_name} -At --no-psqlrc
-c "select relpages from pg_class where relname = 'pg_toast_2613';")"
  toast_tuples="$(psql -U postgres --dbname=${database_name} -At
--no-psqlrc -c "select reltuples::int from pg_class where relname =

  echo -e "TOAST content pages ::${toast_pages}:: tuples ::${toast_tuples}"
| tee -a "${LOG_REMOVE}"

  # Step 3 OPTIONAL: vacuum full pg_largeobject if needed
  if [[ "${toast_tuples}" -gt "0" ]]; then

    echo -e "Start of vacuum" | tee -a "${LOG_REMOVE}"
    psql -U postgres --dbname=${database_name} -At --no-psqlrc -c "VACUUM
FULL ANALYZE VERBOSE pg_largeobject;" 2>&1 | tee -a "${LOG_REMOVE}"
    echo -e "End of vacuum" | tee -a "${LOG_REMOVE}"

    ## After VACUUM post-check
    toast_pages="$(psql -U postgres --dbname=${database_name} -At
--no-psqlrc -c "select relpages from pg_class where relname =
    toast_tuples="$(psql -U postgres --dbname=${database_name} -At
--no-psqlrc -c "select reltuples::int from pg_class where relname =

    echo -e "TOAST content pages ::${toast_pages}:: tuples
::${toast_tuples}" | tee -a "${LOG_REMOVE}"

  # Step 4: Remove TOAST information for pg_largeobject into pg_class
  echo -e "Remove TOAST on pg_largeobject" | tee -a "${LOG_REMOVE}"
  psql -U postgres --dbname=${database_name} -At --no-psqlrc -c "UPDATE
pg_class SET reltoastrelid = 0 WHERE oid = 2613;" | tee -a "${LOG_REMOVE}"

  # Step 5: Drop pg_toast_2613% objects
  echo -e "Change pg_toast_2613 type to relation" | tee -a "${LOG_REMOVE}"
  psql -U postgres --dbname=${database_name} -At --no-psqlrc -c "UPDATE
pg_class SET relkind = 'r' WHERE relname = 'pg_toast_2613';" | tee -a

  echo -e "Delete pg_depend link between pg_toast_2613 and pg_largeobject"
| tee -a "${LOG_REMOVE}"
  psql -U postgres --dbname=${database_name} -At --no-psqlrc -c "DELETE
FROM pg_depend WHERE classid = 1259 AND refclassid = 1259 AND refobjid =
2613 AND objid = 'pg_toast.pg_toast_2613'::regclass;" | tee -a

  echo -e "Delete pg_depend link between pg_toast_2613 and ---MISSING
OBJECT---" | tee -a "${LOG_REMOVE}"
  psql -U postgres --dbname=${database_name} -At --no-psqlrc -c "DELETE
FROM pg_depend WHERE classid = 1259 AND refclassid = 1259 AND objid =
'pg_toast.pg_toast_2613'::regclass AND refobjsubid not in (select oid from
pg_class);" | tee -a "${LOG_REMOVE}"

  echo "allow_system_table_mods=on" >>"${postgresql_conf_file}"
  systemctl restart postgresql-9.5.service

  echo -e "Drop relation pg_toast_2613" | tee -a "${LOG_REMOVE}"
  psql -U postgres --dbname=${database_name} -At --no-psqlrc -c "DROP TABLE
pg_toast.pg_toast_2613;" | tee -a "${LOG_REMOVE}"

  sed -i '/^allow_system_table_mods=on/d' ${postgresql_conf_file}
  systemctl restart postgresql-9.5.service

  # Refresh value of variable toast_count
  toast_count="$(psql -U postgres --dbname=${database_name} -At --no-psqlrc
-c "select count(*) from pg_class where relname = 'pg_toast_2613';")"

if [[ "${toast_count}" == "0" ]]; then
  echo -e "No TOAST table pg_toast_2613" | tee -a "${LOG_REMOVE}"

Le ven. 21 août 2020 à 18:59, Thomas Boussekey <thomas.bousse...@gmail.com>
a écrit :

> Le ven. 21 août 2020 à 16:45, Laurenz Albe <laurenz.a...@cybertec.at> a
> écrit :
>> On Fri, 2020-08-21 at 15:46 +0200, Thomas Boussekey wrote:
>> > Le ven. 21 août 2020 à 15:10, Laurenz Albe <laurenz.a...@cybertec.at>
>> a écrit :
>> > > On Fri, 2020-08-21 at 14:00 +0200, Thomas Boussekey wrote:
>> > > > Working on a PostgreSQL 9.5 to 12 upgrade, I encounter problems on
>> a PostgreSQL instance when I have
>> > > >  an existing table `pg_toast_2613` into my application database.
>> > > >
>> > > > The upgrade process fails with the following error:
>> > > >
>> > > > ```
>> > > > No match found in new cluster for old relation with OID 16619 in
>> database "mirakl_db": "pg_toast.pg_toast_2613" which is the TOAST table for
>> "pg_catalog.pg_largeobject"
>> > > > No match found in new cluster for old relation with OID 16621 in
>> database "mirakl_db": "pg_toast.pg_toast_2613_index" which is an index on
>> "pg_toast.pg_toast_2613" which is the TOAST table for
>> > > > "pg_catalog.pg_largeobject"
>> > > > ```
>> > > >
>> > > > The `pg_upgrade` command fails when I have the table
>> `pg_toast_2613` that exists, even if it is empty.
>> > > > I read the PostgreSQL documentation, and I didn't find when the
>> pg_largeobject table needs to be toasted.
>> > > >  I thought it might be linked with records' size, but my queries
>> below don't correlate that!
>> > >
>> > > Indeed, system tables have no TOAST tables in PostgreSQL, so I wonder
>> > > how your "pg_largeobject" table could have grown one.
>> > >
>> > > Did you do any strange catalog modifications?
>> >
>> > Several years before I arrived in this company, the `pg_largeobject`
>> table had been moved to a dedicated tablespace located on a low-IOPS
>> mechanical disk.
>> > One of my first projects when I started working in the company was to
>> move the `pg_largeobject` table back to the default system tablespace.
>> > This might be a side-effect of the migration.
>> I just tried that on v12, and it didn't create a TOAST table.
>> But obviously there is/was a bug somewhere.
>> > > The safest way would be to upgrade with pg_dumpall/psql.
>> >
>> > The `pg_dumpall` command will also copy the content and the existence
>> of the `pg_toast_2613` table, isn't it?
>> > It might generate errors at the execution on the new instance?
>> > Moreover, it will generate a large downtime
>> No, pg_dumpall will not duplicate that strange TOAST table.
>> It would be the only safe way to upgrade.
>> If you can ascertain that the TOAST table is empty and you
>> like to live dangerous, you can try:
>> UPDATE pg_class SET reltoastrelid = 0 WHERE oid = 2613;
>> UPDATE pg_class SET relkind = 'r' WHERE relname = 'pg_toast_2613';
>> DELETE FROM pg_depend WHERE classid = 1259 AND refclassid = 1259 AND
>> refobjid = 2613 AND objid = 'pg_toast.pg_toast_2613'::regclass;
>> DROP TABLE pg_toast.pg_toast_2613;
> Thanks Laurenz & Tom for your precious information.
> I wrote this BASH script to remove the TOAST table, if it may help anyone:
> ```sh
> #!/usr/bin/env bash
> #
> set -euo pipefail
> database_name="xxx"
> postgresql_conf_file="/xxx/postgresql.conf"
> # Step 1: check if table pg_toast_2613 exists
> toast_count="$(psql -U postgres --dbname=${database_name} -At --no-psqlrc
> -c "select count(*) from pg_class where relname = 'pg_toast_2613';")"
> echo -e "TOAST exists ::${toast_count}"
> if [[ "${toast_count}" == "1" ]]; then
>   # Step 2: Check if table pg_toast_2613 has rows and pages
>   toast_pages="$(psql -U postgres --dbname=${database_name} -At
> --no-psqlrc -c "select relpages from pg_class where relname =
> 'pg_toast_2613';" )"
>   toast_tuples="$(psql -U postgres --dbname=${database_name} -At
> --no-psqlrc -c "select reltuples from pg_class where relname =
> 'pg_toast_2613';" )"
>   echo -e "TOAST content pages ::${toast_pages}:: tuples ::${toast_tuples}"
>   # Step 3 OPTIONAL: vacuum full pg_largobject if needed
>   if [[ "${toast_tuples}" -gt "0" ]]; then
>     echo -e "Start of vacuum"
>     psql -U postgres --dbname=${database_name} -At --no-psqlrc -c "VACUUM
> FULL VERBOSE pg_largobject;"
>     echo -e "End of vacuum"
>     ## After VACUUM post-check
>     toast_pages="$(psql -U postgres --dbname=${database_name} -At
> --no-psqlrc -c "select relpages from pg_class where relname =
> 'pg_toast_2613';" )"
>     toast_tuples="$(psql -U postgres --dbname=${database_name} -At
> --no-psqlrc -c "select reltuples from pg_class where relname =
> 'pg_toast_2613';" )"
>     echo -e "TOAST content pages ::${toast_pages}:: tuples
> ::${toast_tuples}"
>   fi
>   # Step 4: Remove TOAST information for pg_largobject into pg_class
>   echo -e "Remove TOAST on pg_largobject"
>   psql -U postgres --dbname=${database_name} -At --no-psqlrc -c "UPDATE
> pg_class SET reltoastrelid = 0 WHERE oid = 2613;"
>   # Step 5: Drop pg_toast_2613% objects
>   echo -e "Change pg_toast_2613 type to relation"
>   psql -U postgres --dbname=${database_name} -At --no-psqlrc -c "UPDATE
> pg_class SET relkind = 'r' WHERE relname = 'pg_toast_2613';"
>   echo -e "Delete pg_depend for pg_toast_2613"
>   psql -U postgres --dbname=${database_name} -At --no-psqlrc -c "DELETE
> FROM pg_depend WHERE classid = 1259 AND refclassid = 1259 AND refobjid =
> 2613 AND objid = 'pg_toast.pg_toast_2613'::regclass;"
>   echo "allow_system_table_mods=on" >> "${postgresql_conf_file}"
>   systemctl restart postgresql-9.5.service
>   echo -e "Drop relation pg_toast_2613"
>   psql -U postgres --dbname=${database_name} -At --no-psqlrc -c "DROP
> TABLE pg_toast.pg_toast_2613;"
>   sed -i '/^postgres_enable_version:/d' ${postgresql_conf_file}
>   systemctl restart postgresql-9.5.service
> fi
> ```
> My PostgreSQL instance is OK, and the migration to PostgreSQL12 is
> sucessful.
> I continue testing the instance
> Have a nice week-end,
> Thomas
>> But I won't guarantee that that won't break your database.
>> In particular, it is a no-go unless the TOAST table is empty.
>> Yours,
>> Laurenz Albe
>> --
>> Cybertec | https://www.cybertec-postgresql.com

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