On 8/19/20 3:08 PM, David G. Johnston wrote:
> On Wed, Aug 19, 2020 at 11:51 AM Pól Ua Laoínecháin <lineh...@tcd.ie
> <mailto:lineh...@tcd.ie>> wrote:
>     I think my *MAJOR* problem is that I've developed what is,
>     essentially, a totally brute force approach - and this simply won't
>     work at the scenario becomes more complex - take a look at the CASE
>     statement - it's horrible and would only become exponentially worse as
>     the number NULLs rises.
>     So, my question is: Is there a recognised technique (using SQL only,
>     not PL/pgSQL - soutions based on the latter are easy to find) whereby
>     I can do a basic Linear Interpolation?
> I don't have a recognized technique, nor care to ponder one right now, but 
> what
> you've described would best be done in pure SQL using WITH RECURSIVE, which
> provides an iterative approach to SQL result building.  Which is more commonly
> done in a procedural language.  The algorithm you describe is an iterative
> algorithm and so I'm wondering why place the arbitrary restriction on using 
> pure
> SQL when it likely wouldn't provide a very readable nor performant solution
> relative to a procedural (pl/pgsql or otherwise) one?

Might want to consider using PL/R with something like the R imputeTS package:



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