replication identity correctly displayed on detail after resolution message:

  LOG:  CONFLICT: remote DELETE on relation public.a_XXXX replica identity
index a_XXX_pk (tuple not found). Resolution: skip.

DETAIL:  remote tuple {created_by[int8]:(null)
created_date[timestamp]:(null) updated_by[int8]:(null)
pk_col_1[varchar]:ZZZ100008 pk_col_2[bpchar]:12 pk_col_3[bpchar]:G   <<
this is oldval
status_data[varchar]:(null)} in xact origin=2,timestamp=2020-08-12

I am curious about  bpchar in log DETAILS.
Is it the correct error message for the data type char?

On Wed, Aug 12, 2020 at 10:50 AM milist ujang <>

> Configured pglogical source is 9.4 target is 12.3
> a table has PK from multiple column (varchar(50),char(2),char(1)).
> initial syncronization is OK, but when at source there is delete , but got
> error at target...
> LOG:  CONFLICT: remote DELETE on relation public.a_XXXX replica identity
> index a_XXX_pk (tuple not found). Resolution: skip.
> replica identity was set to default for the table so yes there is old
> image on those 3 columns:
> but why delete was error at target?
> collation exactly same on all GUC.
> any direction to print debug verbosity on why delete on target didnt find
> row and skipped?
> --
> regards
> ujang jaenudin | DBA Consultant (Freelancer)


ujang jaenudin | DBA Consultant (Freelancer)

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