> On Aug 10, 2020, at 12:06 PM, Peter J. Holzer <hjp-pg...@hjp.at> wrote:
> On 2020-08-10 09:10:00 -0800, Israel Brewster wrote:
>> I would point out, however, that using a V1 UUID rather than a V4 can
>> help with this as it is sequential, not random (based on MAC address
>> and timestamp + random).
> If I read the specs correctly, a V1 UUID will roll over every 429
> seconds. I think that as far as index locality is concerned, this is
> essentially random for most applications.

According to wikipedia, the time value in a V1 UUID is a 60-bit number, and 
will roll over "around 3400AD”, depending on the algorithm used, or 5236AD if 
the software treats the timestamp as unsigned. This timestamp is extended by a 
13 or 14-bit “uniqifying" clock sequence to handle cases of overlap, and then 
the 48bit MAC address (constant, so no rollover there) is appended. So perhaps 
that 13 or 14 bit “uniqifying” sequence will roll over every 429 seconds, 
however the timestamp *as a whole* won’t roll over for quite a while yet, 
thereby guaranteeing that the UUIDs will be sequential, not random (since, last 
I checked, time was sequential).

Israel Brewster
Software Engineer
Alaska Volcano Observatory 
Geophysical Institute - UAF 
2156 Koyukuk Drive 
Fairbanks AK 99775-7320
Work: 907-474-5172
cell:  907-328-9145

>        hp
> -- 
>   _  | Peter J. Holzer    | Story must make more sense than reality.
> |_|_) |                    |
> | |   | h...@hjp.at         |    -- Charles Stross, "Creative writing
> __/   | http://www.hjp.at/ |       challenge!"

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