On 6/12/20 3:56 PM, sekhar chandra wrote:
I am not able to give usage permission to public schema. below are the steps.

Logged in as super user
created a new user as user1
grant usage on public to user1

Either the above is a cut and paste error or you got an error:

grant usage on public to role_test ;
ERROR:  relation "public" does not exist

grant usage on schema public to role_test ;

SELECT rolname, has_schema_privilege('role_test', 'public', 'usage') from pg_roles where rolname = 'role_test';
  rolname  | has_schema_privilege
 role_test | t

command completed successfully , but verification statement showing he doesnt have usage permission. SELECT rolname, has_schema_privilege(rolname, 'public', 'usage') from pg_roles;

this is strage. what could go wrong.

Adrian Klaver

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