Hi all,

in a database I have a table with a text, a jsonb and a bytea column, which 
together shall be unique, like:

 Column  |  Type  | Collation | Nullable |               Default
 id      | bigint |           | not null | nextval('demotab_id_seq'::regclass)
 textval | text   |           | not null |
 jsonval | jsonb  |           | not null |
 blobval | bytea  |           | not null |
    "demo_idx" UNIQUE, btree (textval, jsonval, blobval)

This seems to work just fine in most cases, but adding a bigger json value (the text and 
the bytea columns are always short) results in a “index row size 2840 exceeds maximum 
2712 for index "…"” error.  Following the hint in the error message, I replaced 
the index by

    "demo_idx" UNIQUE, btree (textval, md5(jsonval::text), blobval)

which seems to solve the issue.

My question: is this approach (a) correct and (b) still safe if the items in the jsonb (always a dict in my case) are 
re-ordered?  I tested a few cases, and trying to insert something like e.g. '{"a":1,"b":2}' and 
'{"b":2,"a":1}' actually does produce the same hash (i.e. the 2nd insert attempt is rejected due to 
the index), but is this guaranteed by design for every case?  Or is there a better solution for this use case?

Thanks in advance,

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