Why should the backup land in S3, and not local somewhere?
Any good reason why one should pay for the additional storage and transfer costs?

Good question. The key point in my statement was "db of this size".

The problem with local backup is that space is not infinite. If your business requires you to store backups for say 7 years, storing it locally will be a problem. In one large financial
company I use to work, full backup was used to store old data.
(except last 30 days where WAL logs were used for a real PIT). We use to store full backups for about 60 days and then send older backup to an off site storage. Nothing is free.

I remember a case where we were requested by business to restore a db of a given date two yrs prior as they had to look at old data. It took us close to 96 hrs to give the users the required database.

S3 storage is ridiculously cheap. Off site storage companies like Iron Mountain should find their client base
ditching them big time.

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