TalGloz <glozman...@gmail.com> writes:
> Andrew Gierth wrote
>> I didn't see an easy way of disabling bitcode emission for a module,
>> though I think that has been discussed before.

After taking a quick look through pgxs.mk, it looks like you might
be able to do something like
        override with_llvm := no
in your Makefile before including the PG parts.

> Will the absence of LLVM bit-code files effect the functionality of my
> "seal_mean_cxx_v2.so" library in Postgresql12 or I just won't benefit from
> Postgres JIT compiler (postgresql12-llvmjit package)?

Should just prevent the possibility of "inline"-ing your functions
in JIT compilation.

> All the errors occurring for the llvm compilation part relate to the 
> Microsoft SEAL <https://github.com/microsoft/SEAL>   library that my
> seal_mean_cxx_v2.cpp uses. Since it is a third party library then maybe I
> should post the errors output there and see what they have to say about
> it...

Yeah, the ultimate solution is clearly over on that side.  These
last errors you've posted don't seem particularly Postgres-related.

                        regards, tom lane

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