On 5/1/20 3:39 PM, TalGloz wrote:
Adrian Klaver-4 wrote
Why not compile them against 11?

Then follow step 5) here:


Step 5 doesn’t actually say how to compile them during the upgrade process
it just gives a warning about not to use "CREATE EXTENSION my_lib" because
this won't effect the target version. Do you mean that I'll have to compile
them manually to my target PostgreSQL Version?

You haven't said how you installed the various versions of Postgres in the first place. Bottom line is that the libraries that existed in the old version need to exist on the new version. If they where not included as part of the install process them they need to be manually created/added.

Sent from: https://www.postgresql-archive.org/PostgreSQL-general-f1843780.html

Adrian Klaver

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