psql (9.6.7, server 11.3) on linux

In the copy/paste below, first 2 lines returned by a select on the view,
why didn't it sort on start_datetime correctly ?  I would think that the
one started on 04-08 would come before the one on 04-09 ?

dvdb=> \d sim_phases;
                Table "dvm.sim_phases"
     Column     |           Type           | Modifiers
 sj_id          | integer                  |
 sim_phase_name | character varying        |
 status         | character varying        |
 error_message  | character varying        |
 start_datetime | timestamp with time zone |
 end_datetime   | timestamp with time zone |
 duration_hrs   | numeric(5,2)             |
Check constraints:
    "sim_phases_name_check" CHECK (sim_phase_name::text = ANY
(ARRAY['presim'::character varying::text, 'runsim'::character
varying::text, 'postsim'::character varying::text, NULL::character
    "sim_phases_status_check" CHECK (status::text = ANY
(ARRAY['in_progress'::character varying, 'completed'::character varying,
'passed'::character varying, 'failed'::character varying, NULL::character
Foreign-key constraints:
    "sim_phases_sj_id_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (sj_id) REFERENCES sim_jobs(sj_id)

dvdb=> create or replace view spview as (select
sj_id,sim_phase_name,status,start_datetime,end_datetime,duration_hrs from
dvm.sim_phases order by sj_id,start_datetime);
dvdb=> select * from spview where sj_id in (select sj_id from sjview where
dvm_id = 1102);
 sj_id | sim_phase_name |   status    |     start_datetime     |
 end_datetime      | duration_hrs
  6269 | runsim         | in_progress | 2020-04-09 03:39:13-04 |
  6269 | presim         | completed   | 2020-04-08 23:11:21-04 | 2020-04-09
03:39:13-04 |         4.46
  6267 | runsim         | in_progress | 2020-04-09 02:21:38-04 |
  6267 | presim         | completed   | 2020-04-08 23:11:21-04 | 2020-04-09
02:21:38-04 |         3.17

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