Thanks. Got it. On Tuesday, 10 March, 2020, 06:30:27 pm IST, Paul Foerster <> wrote: Hi,
an underscore matches a single character, any character. You'd have to escape it and tell the query what the escape character is if you want it to be treated as a standard character: db=# create table t(t text); CREATE TABLE db=# insert into t(t) values ('fox'), ('fo_'), ('fo_x'); INSERT 0 3 db=# select * from t; t ------ fox fo_ fo_x (3 rows) db=# select * from t where t like 'fo_%'; t ------ fox fo_ fo_x (3 rows) db=# select * from t where t like 'fo\_%' escape '\'; t ------ fo_ fo_x (2 rows) Cheers, Paul On Tue, Mar 10, 2020 at 1:49 PM <> wrote: > > Hello, > > What returns when I run a query like this; > > Select * from test where name like 'co_%'; > > I expect anything that starts with 'co_' and NOT 'co' only. Am I right? But > I get every names that starts with 'co'. Why ? > > Happiness Always > BKR Sivaprakash >