> If it's a single command you're trying to limit `SET statement_timeout TO 
> <whatever>` should do the trick.

This will set only statement timeout but won’t work for long transactions that 
contain a lot of short statements.

> If you want it based on the session's cumulative statement time, off the top 
> of my head I can't think of anything in vanilla PG without using executor 
> hooks (that requires some coding).

Yes, that’s exactly I want to do.

> If the queries that worry you are long-lived, you might be able to get by 
> with a scheduled process checking against pg_stat_activity (eg: 
> age(query_start)) and adding the current query's run-time to some per-session 
> total, but it's an highly inaccurate process.

I think in my case I should check `xact_start`, because not every query 
initiates a new transaction.

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