I have table and partitioned for year year like this:
CREATE TABLE ecisdrdm.bnft_curr_fact (bnft_fact_id  numeric(38), 
bene_cntry_of_brth_id  numeric(38), bene_cntry_of_rsdc_id  numeric(38), 
bene_cntry_of_ctznshp_id  numeric(38), frm_id  numeric(38), svc_ctr_id  
numeric(38), actn_dt_in_id  numeric(38), actn_tm_in_id  numeric(38), src_sys_id 
 numeric(38), bnft_hist_actn_id  numeric(38), bene_id  numeric(38), 
bene_end_dt_id  numeric(38), petnr_app_id  numeric(38), atty_id  numeric(38), 
uscis_emp_id  numeric(38), application_id  numeric(38) default -1000000, 
rmtr_id  numeric(38), prpr_id  numeric(38), mig_filename  varchar(80), 
mig_insert_dt  timestamp, mig_modified_dt  timestamp) partition by range 
(actn_dt_in_id)TABLESPACE ecisdrdm_data;

CREATE INDEX bnftn_fact_frmid_bmx1 ON ecisdrdm.bnft_curr_fact 
(frm_id)TABLESPACE ecisdrdm_index;
CREATE INDEX bnftn_fact_attyid_bmx1 ON ecisdrdm.bnft_curr_fact 
(atty_id)TABLESPACE ecisdrdm_index;
CREATE INDEX bnftn_fact_applicatiid_bti1 ON ecisdrdm.bnft_curr_fact 
(applicatiON_id)TABLESPACE ecisdrdm_index;
CREATE INDEX src_sys_id_actn_dt_bmx1 ON ecisdrdm.bnft_curr_fact (src_sys_id, 
actn_dt_in_id)TABLESPACE ecisdrdm_index;
CREATE INDEX bnftn_fact_bnftfactid_bti1 ON ecisdrdm.bnft_curr_fact 
(bnft_fact_id)TABLESPACE ecisdrdm_index;
CREATE INDEX bnftn_fact_actndtinid_bmx1 ON ecisdrdm.bnft_curr_fact 
(actn_dt_in_id)TABLESPACE ecisdrdm_index;
CREATE INDEX bnftn_fact_coposit3_bmx1 ON ecisdrdm.bnft_curr_fact (svc_ctr_id, 
uscis_emp_id)TABLESPACE ecisdrdm_index;
CREATE INDEX src_sys_id_actn_dt_saa ON ecisdrdm.bnft_curr_fact (src_sys_id, 
actn_dt_in_id, applicatiON_id)TABLESPACE ecisdrdm_index;
CREATE INDEX bnftn_fact_beneid_bmx1 ON ecisdrdm.bnft_curr_fact 
(bene_id)TABLESPACE ecisdrdm_index;
CREATE INDEX bnftn_fact_petnrappid_bti1 ON ecisdrdm.bnft_curr_fact 
(petnr_app_id)TABLESPACE ecisdrdm_index;
CREATE INDEX bnftn_fact_uscisempid_bmx1 ON ecisdrdm.bnft_curr_fact 
(uscis_emp_id)TABLESPACE ecisdrdm_index;
CREATE INDEX bnftn_fact_bnfhisactid_bmx1 ON ecisdrdm.bnft_curr_fact 
(bnft_hist_actn_id)TABLESPACE ecisdrdm_index;
CREATE INDEX bnftn_fact_src_sys_id_bmx1 ON ecisdrdm.bnft_curr_fact 
(src_sys_id)TABLESPACE ecisdrdm_index;
CREATE INDEX bnftn_fact_benenddtid_bmx1 ON ecisdrdm.bnft_curr_fact 
(bene_end_dt_id)TABLESPACE ecisdrdm_index;
CREATE INDEX bnftn_fact_prprid_bmx1 ON ecisdrdm.bnft_curr_fact 
(prpr_id)TABLESPACE ecisdrdm_index;
CREATE INDEX bnftn_fact_svcctrid_bmx1 ON ecisdrdm.bnft_curr_fact (svc_ctr_id)
TABLESPACE ecisdrdm_index;
CREATE INDEX bnftn_fact_benctrysdcid_bmx1 ON ecisdrdm.bnft_curr_fact 
TABLESPACE ecisdrdm_index;
CREATE INDEX bnftn_fact_benctrybrtid_bmx1 ON ecisdrdm.bnft_curr_fact 
TABLESPACE ecisdrdm_index;
as same as stg_bnft_curr_fact table, it's partitioned too.when I manually 
mocking the data into both tables are fine and when I run the procedure, I get 
errorcode: 42P10 MSG: thereis no unique or exclusion constraint matching on the 
CONFLICT specification
the procedure is 
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ecisdrdm.pr_mig_stg_bnft_curr_fact( OUT v_ret text)  
  RETURNS text    LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'
    COST 100    VOLATILE AS $BODY$ DECLARE  v_module           text = 
'pr_mig_stg_bnft_curr_fact '; host text = inet_server_addr(); errorcode         
  text; errormsg         text; errormsg_detail  text;    errormsg_hint text; 
INSERT INTO ecisdrdm.bnft_curr_fact AS prod (bnft_fact_id, 
bene_cntry_of_brth_id, bene_cntry_of_rsdc_id,  bene_cntry_of_ctznshp_id, 
frm_id, svc_ctr_id, actn_dt_in_id, actn_tm_in_id, src_sys_id,  
bnft_hist_actn_id, bene_id, bene_end_dt_id, petnr_app_id, atty_id, 
uscis_emp_id, application_id,  rmtr_id, prpr_id, mig_filename)SELECT 
stg.bnft_fact_id, stg.bene_cntry_of_brth_id, stg.bene_cntry_of_rsdc_id,  
stg.bene_cntry_of_ctznshp_id, stg.frm_id, stg.svc_ctr_id, stg.actn_dt_in_id, 
stg.actn_tm_in_id, stg.src_sys_id,  stg.bnft_hist_actn_id, stg.bene_id, 
stg.bene_end_dt_id, stg.petnr_app_id, stg.atty_id, stg.uscis_emp_id, 
stg.application_id,  stg.rmtr_id, stg.prpr_id, stg.mig_filenameFROM 
ecisdrdm.stg_bnft_curr_fact stgON CONFLICT ("bnft_fact_id") DO UPDATE SET 
(bnft_fact_id, bene_cntry_of_brth_id, bene_cntry_of_rsdc_id,  
bene_cntry_of_ctznshp_id, frm_id, svc_ctr_id, actn_dt_in_id, actn_tm_in_id, 
src_sys_id,  bnft_hist_actn_id, bene_id, bene_end_dt_id, petnr_app_id, atty_id, 
uscis_emp_id, application_id,  rmtr_id, prpr_id, mig_filename, 
mig_modified_dt)= (SELECT stg.bnft_fact_id, stg.bene_cntry_of_brth_id, 
stg.bene_cntry_of_rsdc_id,  stg.bene_cntry_of_ctznshp_id, stg.frm_id, 
stg.svc_ctr_id, stg.actn_dt_in_id, stg.actn_tm_in_id, stg.src_sys_id,  
stg.bnft_hist_actn_id, stg.bene_id, stg.bene_end_dt_id, stg.petnr_app_id, 
stg.atty_id, stg.uscis_emp_id, stg.application_id,  stg.rmtr_id, stg.prpr_id, 
stg.mig_filename, current_timestampFROM ecisdrdm.stg_bnft_curr_fact stgWHERE 
prod.application_id = stg.application_id);
   ----   -- Set return to "Success" for pr_merge_staging_tables function   
---- v_ret := 'Success';  
      errormsg_detail = PG_EXCEPTION_DETAIL,        errormsg_hint = 
PG_EXCEPTION_HINT;   errorcode := SQLSTATE;        v_ret := concat('ERROR - 
FUNC: ' || v_module || ' ERRORCODE: ', errorcode, ' MSG: ' || errormsg || ' ', 
errormsg_detail || ' ', errormsg_hint);
 -- NOTE: Only writes to errorlog table if function is called directly -- If 
called through the pr_merge_staging_tables function the exception is raised and 
caught there instead PERFORM ecisdrdm.pr_write_error_log( CURRENT_USER, host, 
v_module, errorcode, v_ret );

when I select the table from pgadmin tool, it's not opened and popped up with a 
blank window with title "index out or range" I do have index on it.


No one in this world is pure and perfect.  If you avoid people for their 
mistakes you will be alone. So judge less, love and forgive more.To call him a 
dog hardly seems to do him justice though in as much as he had four legs, a 
tail, and barked, I admit he was, to all outward appearances. But to those who 
knew him well, he was a perfect gentleman (Hermione Gingold)
**Live simply **Love generously **Care deeply **Speak kindly.*** Genuinely rich 
*** Faithful talent *** Sharing success

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