Searching through the lists for "inheritance" yields a War and Peace level
of content back. "inheritance harmful" and "inheritance interface" didn't
answer my question.

What about cross-cutting concerns like what might find with interfaces in
many OO languages? For example:

  CREATE TABLE auditable (
    id uuid NOT NULL,
    actor varchar NOT NULL, -- username
    created timestamptz NOT NULL

  CREATE TABLE authable (
    id uuid NOT NULL,
    actor varchar NOT NULL, -- username
    access_tags varchar[]

  CREATE TABLE a (  ...  ) INHERITS (auditable);
  CREATE TABLE b (  ...  ) INHERITS (auditable, authable);
  CREATE TABLE c (  ...  ) INHERITS (authable);

Most of the discussion I've seen regarding inheritance has centered on
cases where a base table with foreign key relationships for specialization
would suffice. In the case above, it serves ONLY to enforce consistent
style and allow for utility functions to share logic due to the
aforementioned consistent naming. Uniqueness is not necessary (but UUIDs
handle that anyway), the tableoid is present for reverse lookups when
needed, defaults, check constraints, et al. are not a concern. But as an
"interface", the hierarchy isn't like one would find in traditional OOP
extends, more like Java's interfaces.

There are also avenues for using event triggers to detect the creation of
tables that conform to certain "interfaces" to automatically add certain
logic. For example:

  CREATE TABLE track_modified (
    last_modified timestamptz NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP

  CREATE TABLE x ( ... ) INHERITS (track_modified);
  CREATE TABLE y ( ... ) INHERITS (track_modified);
  CREATE TABLE z ( ... ) INHERITS (track_modified);

Where an event trigger would fire, see that each table has a last_modified
column, and an expectation to update the last modification a la MySQL's ON

An empty parent table could even be useful for an event trigger to add a
regular set of policies without repeating yourself (and keeping them all in
sync after the fact).

That said, I've also seen messages dating all the way back to 2005 claiming
that INHERITS is a red-headed stepchild that would be phased out shortly
after table partitioning landed and matured. Is this still the intention?
Is inheritance just considered such an old feature that no one dare remove
due to breaking users? Or have folks come to find good use cases for it
even though it's used for far too many use cases?

I apologize in advance for stirring a pot, encouraging the beating of an
already dead horse, or exhausting with cliches. I have seen the notices on
the wiki about inheritance being useful for temporal logic but not much
else since proper table partitioning was introduced. By and large I agree
with the reasoning, especially with regard to unique keys and their lack of
propagation. It just didn't seem to address the interface model one way or

- Miles Elam

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