Tom Lane wrote:

> regression=# select regexp_split_to_array('junkfoolbarfoolishfoobarmore',
> 'foo|bar|foobar');
> regexp_split_to_array 
> -----------------------
> {junk,l,"",lish,more}
> (1 row)
> The idea would be to iterate over the array elements, tracking the
> corresponding position in the source string, and re-discovering at
> each break which of the original alternatives must've matched.
> It's sort of annoying that we don't have a simple "regexp_location"
> function that would give you back the starting position of the
> first match.

It occurred to me too that regexp_split_to_table or array would make
this problem really easy if only it had a mode to capture and return the
matched parts too.

FWIW, in plperl, there's a simple solution:

 $string =~ s/(foobar|foo|...)/$replace{$1}/g

when %replace is a hash of the substitutions %(foo=>baz,...).
The strings in the alternation are tested in their order of
appearance, so you can choose to be greedy or not by just sorting
them by length.

Best regards,
Daniel Vérité
PostgreSQL-powered mailer:
Twitter: @DanielVerite

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