On Wed, Dec 18, 2019 at 5:12 AM Steven Winfield <steven.winfi...@cantabcapital.com> wrote: > * I observe this even if I crank up the transaction isolation level to > repeatable read and serializable.
Huh. SERIALIZABLE shouldn't allow two transactions to see no result row for a given ID and then insert a result row for that ID. One of those transactions should have to roll back, because otherwise it'd be incompatible with both serial orderings of the two transactions. > I'm wondering if row locks are not obeying the same transactional semantics > as row data, They are indeed a bit weird. They sometimes check if the condition still apply (since the row might have changed between the scan and LockRows node) which leads to some interesting effects, but only if the row being locked was concurrently updated, and here that isn't the case. This is a source of a fair amount of confusion about FOR UPDATE and joins/subselects. > Perhaps this is a misuse of the locking system, since I'm locking a row "FOR > UPDATE" but not actually updating it, but as row locks are released at the > end of a transaction (according to the docs) then my expectation was for the > unlocking and the visibility of newly committed rows to be atomic. > I've tried FOR NO KEY UPDATE too, without luck. > > If I'm doing something forbidden (and the docs say so) then I'd be grateful > if someone could point that out! Conceptually, the thing you really need to lock for this to work is the result row that isn't there yet, so that some overlapping transaction doesn't try to lock the same absent thing. Unfortunately, our system for locking things that aren't there isn't there either. Some articles on serializability talk about "materialising the conflict", which means locking some other surrogate thing that "covers" a gap you are interested in. You might think the job row would do the trick, but since we don't recheck the condition (that is, recheck that there is no corresponding result because you don't update the job row), no cigar. You could also use plain old pg_try_advisory_xact_lock(id), because it just locks integers, and they're always there. SERIALIZABLE deals with that type of magic internally (it locks gaps in key ranges by predicate-locking a physical btree or hash page that you'd need to write on to insert a row with a matching key, which is how it discovers a conflict between one transaction that went looking for key=42 but didn't find it and another that later writes key=42), but, as mentioned, SERIALIZABLE doesn't really allow concurrency with this workload, and you specified that you wanted concurrency with SKIP LOCKED (but I think you'd have the same problem without it; SKIP LOCKED just gets you the wrong answer faster). There are various ways you could deal with this, but I'd probably go for a simple scheme where you only have to consult a single row to know if you can claim it. You could still put the results into a separate table, but use job.state to find work, and set it to DONE when you insert the result. It may also be possible to add no new columns but do a dummy update to the job row to get the join qual rechecked, but I'm not sure if that'd work. Another reason to add a state column to the job table is so that you can put a conditional index on it so you can find jobs to be done very quickly, if you're not planning to remove the ones that are done.