Hi, I have database on Windows Server, running postgresql 10 and I've run pg_ dump with options: -Fc --verbose -d db_name --file "E:\backup.sql" -T some_ table.
Now when I run pg_restore, also on windows server with postgresql 12, or on the same original server with postgresql 10, using options --data-only -- verbose -j 8, or without jobs, but selecting some specific few tables with -t option I get follwing error: error: pg_restore: error: found unexpected block ID (0) when reading data -- expected 3142 This error will only happen on very few tables, most run fine. Currently, I'm running without jobs and without tables selected with -t, however I haven't gotten to the specific table that causes the trouble (the restore will take days), however I already fear when it comes to that table the same error will trigger. I guess this could serve as a possible bug report as well, but any advice as to what I can do is appreciated.