Hey, Pgsql is unable to perform indexed full text search onto jsonb column containing an array when looking for the first row in the table. Table is nothing more than just The case is that I have an empty database with predefined gin index When I add a new item into the table, I expect it to appear in here is a small repro case:
-- drop table cp."Repro" cascade
CREATE TABLE cp."Repro" ( "Id" serial NOT NULL, "Foo" jsonb NULL );
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION cp.make_tsvector(in_t cp."Repro") RETURNS tsvector LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE AS $function$ begin return to_tsvector(jsonb_agg(x.prop)) from (SELECT CONCAT( jsonb_array_elements(in_t."Foo") ->> 'Name', ' ', jsonb_array_elements(in_t."Foo") ->> 'Address' ) as prop from cp."Repro" f) as x; END; $function$ ;
CREATE INDEX repro_fts_idx ON cp."Repro" USING gin (cp.make_tsvector(cp."Repro".*)) WITH (fastupdate=off, gin_pending_list_limit='64');
INSERT INTO cp."Repro" ("Foo") VALUES('[{"Name": "Sup", "Address": "Adress", "IsCurrent": true}]');
-- just in case it's the indexing issue -- REINDEX INDEX cp.repro_fts_idx;
select * from cp."Repro"
select cp.make_tsvector(x) from cp."Repro" x
select * from ts_stat('select cp.make_tsvector(x) from cp."Repro" x')
-- explain analyze SELECT * FROM "cp"."Repro" x where cp.make_tsvector(x) @@ 'sup:*'::tsquery
INSERT INTO cp."Repro" ("Foo") VALUES('[{"Name": "Sup", "Address": "Adress", "IsCurrent": true}]');
-- explain analyze SELECT * FROM "cp"."Repro" x where cp.make_tsvector(x) @@ 'sup:*'::tsquery BR, Dmytro. |
- Postgres Full Text Search Jsonb Array column does not se... Dmytro Zhluktenko
- Re: Postgres Full Text Search Jsonb Array column do... Laurenz Albe
- RE: Re: Postgres Full Text Search Jsonb Array colum... Dmytro Zhluktenko
- Re: Re: Postgres Full Text Search Jsonb Array c... Laurenz Albe
- RE: Re: Re: Postgres Full Text Search Jsonb Array c... Dmytro Zhluktenko