A while back I ran into problems caused by  security fix related to the
search path. I wound up adding a line to. for instance, this function:

    start_date date,
        end_date date
RETURNS decimal(10,4) stable
language sql as $$

        /* workaround for secuirty "feature" */
        SET search_path TO ica, "user" , public;

        sum(case when
        extract(isodow from d)
        between 1 and 5 then
        8.0 else
        +0.0 end)

        $2, interval
        '24 hours') d;


And walked away happy, or so I thought. Now I just got this error:

[local] stan@stan=# select * from ttl_avail_hours_by_project_and_employee ;
ERROR:  SET is not allowed in a non-volatile function
CONTEXT:  SQL function "work_hours" during startup

How can I solve this issue?

"They that would give up essential liberty for temporary safety deserve
neither liberty nor safety."
                                                -- Benjamin Franklin

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