
We found and use for ESQL/C the debug feature:

ECPGdebug(int on, FILE *stream);

with very good results. Is there something similar for the psql
interpreter to debug the query of complex SQL statements like this
monster here:

   SELECT ha.hnr, count(*)   FROM acq_haushalt ha, acq_booking bo   WHERE       
ha.hjahr = 2000 AND ha.brgroup
   WHERE bu.bnr = bo.bnr AND bu.band = bo.band AND bu.exemplar = ( SELECT 
min(bo2.exemplar) FROM acq_booking b
   WHERE bo2.hnr = bo    .hnr
   AND bo2.bnr = bo.bnr AND bo2.band = bo.band)
   AND bu.statusrech IN (0,1) ) 
   GROUP BY ha.hnr;

The -L logfilename flag of psql is not sufficient enough. It logs only
the query and the final result.



Matthias Apitz, ✉ g...@unixarea.de, http://www.unixarea.de/ +49-176-38902045
Public GnuPG key: http://www.unixarea.de/key.pub

"Glaube wenig, hinterfrage alles, denke selbst: Wie man Manipulationen 
"Believe little, scrutinise all, think by your own: How see through 
ISBN-10: 386489218X

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