čt 21. 11. 2019 v 7:34 odesílatel Tony Shelver <tshel...@gmail.com> napsal:

> Well then SQL Server breaks that rule big time :)
> Most people coming from a SQL Server background expect procedures to
> return a result set that can be queried, and in-out or out parameters to
> return variables for further information.

yes, SQL server is absolutely unique in this case. Oracle, DB2, and
Postgres has different design

If you have SQL Server background, and you would to write stored
procedures, start with doc, please

lot of things are really different. Postgres SQL, stored procedures are
close to Oracle, and very far to T-SQL



> On Wed, 20 Nov 2019 at 17:20, Thomas Kellerer <spam_ea...@gmx.net> wrote:
>> İlyas Derse schrieb am 20.11.2019 um 09:18:
>> > How can I return table in Stored Procedure ? I can do it in function
>> but I
>> > have inout parameters.So I can not create in function. What can I do
>> this
>> > case ?
>> >
>> > I guess,It should be like for function :
>> >
>> > CREATE or REPLACE FUNCTION public."test" (INOUT "x" integer, INOUT "y"
>> text)
>> >
>> > RETURNS TABLE  ("id" integer,"filesize" character varying(36))AS $$
>> >  BEGINRETURN QUERYSELECT * FROM    public."tbl_employees" ;
>> > END;$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
>> >
>> Procedures aren't meant to return anything (in Postgres specifically and
>> in Computer Science in general).
>> If you want to return something use a function.

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