On 11/15/19 12:57 PM, John Lumby wrote:
Adrian Klaver wrote :

On 11/15/19 10:37 AM, John Lumby wrote:

Suppose the original statement is

      UPDATE myview VW set VW.counter = 11 where VW.primary_key = xxxx and 
VW.counter = 10;

and my trigger constructs this statement

UPDATE basetable BT set BT.counter = 11 where BT.primary_key = OLD.primary_key;

Not following.

Do you want OLD.primary_key set to 11 or BT.counter set to 12/both/or

some other action?

Sorry I did not make it clear.

I want some way for the trigger to discover and apply any predicates *other* 
primary key equality condition that were applied to the original statement,
which in the example is

                     VW.counter = 10

(the repeated AND in the original append's example was a typo,  corrected above)

so for this example I want the trigger to build a statement reading

      UPDATE basetable BT set BT.counter = 11 where BT.primary_key = xxxx and 
BT.counter = 10;

where xxxx is the value of OLD.primary_key

so that,  if some other transaction had updated BT.counter to some other value 
such as 11
in that tiny window I described in previous append,
the result of the generated statement would be no rows updated and a return TAG 
of 0 rows.

Seems you are looking for Serializable Isolation Level:


Though the above results in a rollback.

The significance being that the original application would be able to discover
that its update was not applied based on this return TAG
(actually the trigger returns a null tuple to indicate this).

Cheers, John

Adrian Klaver


Adrian Klaver

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