On Wed, Nov 13, 2019 at 3:40 AM Palle Girgensohn <gir...@pingpong.net> wrote:
> The decision to use postgresql's tzdata is quite old. It was based on the 
> assumption that postgres is updated more frequently than the operating 
> system, and that for that reason it was better to use postgresql's tzdata, 
> since it would be more accurate more often. This is probably not true 
> anymore, so I agree it should probably be changed to default=system-tzdata on 
> FreeBSD.
> I will commit an upgrade in Thursday, and unless anybody raise their voice 
> against it, I will change the default setting then.


FreeBSD users already have the choice between zoneinfo from base or
the misc/zoneinfo port if for some reason they want to control tzdata
updates separately.  PostgreSQL and FreeBSD both track tzdata closely,
and both pushed a commit for version 2019c into their stable branches
within a couple of weeks of it being released, so I don't foresee any
problem with this change, and staying in sync with libc seems to
outweigh any other concerns IMHO.


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