Hello, I am one of the primary maintainers of Pleroma, a federated social networking application written in Elixir, which uses PostgreSQL in ways that may be considered outside the typical usage scenarios for PostgreSQL.
Namely, we leverage JSONB heavily as a backing store for JSON-LD documents[1]. We also use JSONB in combination with Ecto's "embedded structs" to store things like user preferences. The fact that we can use JSONB to achieve our design goals is a testament to the flexibility PostgreSQL has. However, in the process of doing so, we have discovered a serious flaw in the way jsonb_set() functions, but upon reading through this mailing list, we have discovered that this flaw appears to be an intentional design.[2] A few times now, we have written migrations that do things like copy keys in a JSONB object to a new key, to rename them. These migrations look like so: update users set info=jsonb_set(info, '{bar}', info->'foo'); Typically, this works nicely, except for cases where evaluating info->'foo' results in an SQL null being returned. When that happens, jsonb_set() returns an SQL null, which then results in data loss.[3] This is not acceptable. PostgreSQL is a database that is renowned for data integrity, but here it is wiping out data when it encounters a failure case. The way jsonb_set() should fail in this case is to simply return the original input: it should NEVER return SQL null. But hey, we've been burned by this so many times now that we'd like to donate a useful function to the commons, consider it a mollyguard for the real jsonb_set() function. create or replace function safe_jsonb_set(target jsonb, path text[], new_value jsonb, create_missing boolean default true) returns jsonb as $$ declare result jsonb; begin result := jsonb_set(target, path, coalesce(new_value, 'null'::jsonb), create_missing); if result is NULL then return target; else return result; end if; end; $$ language plpgsql; This safe_jsonb_set() wrapper should not be necessary. PostgreSQL's own jsonb_set() should have this safety feature built in. Without it, using jsonb_set() is like playing russian roulette with your data, which is not a reasonable expectation for a database renowned for its commitment to data integrity. Please fix this bug so that we do not have to hack around this bug. It has probably ruined countless people's days so far. I don't want to hear about how the function is strict, I'm aware it is strict, and that strictness is harmful. Please fix the function so that it is actually safe to use. [1]: JSON-LD stands for JSON Linked Data. Pleroma has an "internal representation" that shares similar qualities to JSON-LD, so I use JSON-LD here as a simplification. [2]: https://www.postgresql.org/message-id/flat/qfkua9$2q0e$1...@blaine.gmane.org [3]: https://git.pleroma.social/pleroma/pleroma/issues/1324 is an example of data loss induced by this issue. Ariadne