from the original article:
> For example, the PostgreSQL speeds depend on the Django ORM code
> that makes the SQL and sends the query and then turns it into the model
> I don't know what the proportions are between that and
> the actual bytes-from-PG's-disk times. But I'm not sure I care either.

imho:   the "Django ORM" is not so fast.
according to "TechEmpower Web Framework Benchmarks" ...
it has only  ~3% performance  -  compare to the best rust+pg (100%) results.

"Data updates"
the "django-postgresql" performance = 766   - only 3.0% of the best pg +
rust results
checking the other test types (  "Single query" ;" Multiple queries" ) has
a similar results.

the Django implementation of the test:


Colin 't Hart <> ezt írta (időpont: 2019. szept. 29.,
V, 23:42):

> Hi,
> Can someone take a look at this blog post?
> Can Redis really be 16 times faster than Postgres? Surely Postgres can get
> closer to the raw speed of the hardware than 1 order of magnitude?
> Thanks,
> Colin

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