Perhaps someone can guide me here as I'm having a "moment". :)

Not sure why I am getting 0 rows returned here:

db=# \d table_name_ds_tmp

   Column   |       Type        | Modifiers
 categoryid | bigint            |
 name       | character varying |

db=# select * from table_name_ds_tmp;
 categoryid | name
        100 | one
        200 | two
        300 | three
        400 | four
(4 rows)

db=# select name from table_name_ds_tmp where ARRAY[categoryid] = ANY (
select string_to_array( '200,400', ',')::bigint[] );
(0 rows)

I would expect, and am in need of, the query returning these 2 rows,
which I plan to aggregate together later on with array_to_string.

Basically I hope to take a string and substitute the values in it with
their associated values.

Other incantations and permutations just seem to give me various error

Thanks for any help.

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