I have craftsmanships table which has (id, name) and users table (id, email, ..). When a user has some craftsmanships, they are stored inside the contractor_skills(user_id, craftsmanship_id, id) table.
What I want here is that to list all the available craftsmanships with id, name and has column. I can get now only those craftsmanships that a specific user has, SELECT craftsmanships.id, craftsmanships.name, TRUE as has FROM "craftsmanships" INNER JOIN "contractor_skills" ON "contractor_skills"."craftsmanship_id" = "craftsmanships"."id" INNER JOIN "users" ON "users"."id" = "contractor_skills"."user_id" WHERE (contractor_skills.user_id = 8) ORDER BY "craftsmanships".”id" —————— id | name | has ----+---------+----- 1 | paint | t 2 | drywall | t (2 rows) But I want to list all craftsmanships and has column should have `t` when user_id #8 has it, else `f`. How can I extend this query? Thanks, Arup Rakshit a...@zeit.io