Sorry forgot to cc the list
On Sun, Sep 15, 2019 at 08:42:02AM -0700, Adrian Klaver wrote: > On 9/15/19 8:33 AM, stan wrote: > > I have defined this function: > > > > CREATE FUNCTION fix_customer_types_case() > > > > and this trigger: > > > > CREATE TRIGGER fix_customer_types_case_trig BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE ON > > customer > > FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION fix_customer_types_case(); > > > > and I put a RAISE NOTICE so I can tell if the function is called. Yet when I > > do a : > > > > \copy to bring data into this table, I do not see the notice. > > What is the actual command you are using? \COPY customer(name, location, status , c_type , bill_attention , bill_addresse , bill_address_1 , bill_address_2 , bill_city , bill_state , bill_country , ship_attention , ship_addresse , ship_address_1 , ship_address_2, ship_city ,ship_state ) from '/home/stan/pm_db/live_data/ready/customer.csv' DELIMITER ',' CSV HEADER ; and here is the function CREATE FUNCTION fix_customer_types_case() RETURNS trigger AS $$ BEGIN if NEW.c_type IS NOT NULL THEN NEW.c_type := upper(cast( NEW.c_type AS TEXT)); END IF ; if NEW.status IS NOT NULL THEN RAISE NOTICE 'Called With %', NEW.status; NEW.status := upper(cast( NEW.status AS TEXT)); END IF ; RAISE NOTICE 'Left With With %', NEW.status; RAISE NOTICE 'Left With With %', NEW.c_type; return NEW; END; $$ LANGUAGE PLPGSQL; if I do an insert this function is called. However it IS NOT called for the above copy command. How can I fix that? This line from the page you referenced implies this should work, but i must be doing something wrong: COPY FROM will invoke any triggers and check constraints on the destination table. However, it will not invoke rules. -- "They that would give up essential liberty for temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." -- Benjamin Franklin