On 9/14/19 11:33 AM, stan wrote:
I would like to write a generic function that I can place as a BEFORE trigger
on several tables. It would do a max() on the column it was triggered for, and
return(max + 1) unless max returns a NULL, in which case it would return one.
Yes, I know this looks a lot like a sequence, but normally this value would
be provided manually at row input time, I just want to allow for some
automated updates.
The trick is hat the function needs to work for any numeric column I place it n
as a trigger.
What procedural language?
Triggers are placed on tables not columns so you will need some way of
identifying the column(s) in the table. Trigger functions can take
arguments even though they are not declared in the function creation. So
that is one way of defining the column.
Adrian Klaver