
On Fri, Aug 30, 2019 at 3:49 PM stan <> wrote:
> I am defining a bunch  of functions, and I would prefer to store them in a
> separate file, which then gets "source" by the main DB init file.
> Is there a standard way to do this?

I assume you mean "standard for postgres", AFAIK there is not even a
(multidb) standard way to feed an sql script to a server (content of
queries / results are standard, how to send them / get them from the
server is not ).

\i in psql has been pointed. I do not know if this is one of your
"workarounds", but what I normally do for this is trat the "init"
script as a program and "make" it. I've done it using many of the
preprocessor freely available around ( i.e. m4, cpp ) and also using a
perl program ( but this is becuase I'm quite fluent in it and it makes
some thing easier ), and even doing "cat *.sql | psql" and naming the
scripts appropiately. You'll probably have it easier going by that
route ( generating the sql script from chunks using a tool of your
choice, it's just a big text chunk and you can easily debug it with a
text editor ), and it is not that complex.

Francisco Olarte.

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